This site is for the pilgrim in all of us. If you love adventures, angels, food, faith, and beauty AND long for personal transformation, join us as we share with you our inner and outer journey.

About Us

Pilgrimages allow the flexibility to release perspectives that are outmoded, that no longer fit, and to try on new perspectives. As we experiment, we are mixing things up as a couple this year to spring forth from our old ways:

Susan: Pilot!  Bi-lingual Lover of God and Dog [Santiago!], Flowers, Sunsets and Exotic Foods [Berenjenas!], who happens to also be a wife, mother, abba [grandma], ESL instructor, photographer, and Airbnb Superhost.

Jon: Navigator!  Enneagram-affectionado, Deep Listener, Synthesizer, Writer and Spiritual Guide who happens to also be a husband, father, grandpa, business advisor and lover of the arts.

US: Sojourning Guides! After 30 years together, we’re just beginning to get the hang of being alive!